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The Persona

He can rightly be called "a man with a vision". His vision has made him the man he is today - a pioneer in the education world. His journey, from a regular business man, to the scion of a chain of schools, has many interesting stories to tell.

His aim and vision, as he always reiterates, was and is to "return childhood to children" and today all Anand Niketan schools share the same vision. This endeavor of his was initiated in 1996, with just 20 children, to create a socially acceptable environment where all students, teachers and parents develop their potential to the maximum.

The mission statement of each school under his able leadership is - "To nurture students like seeds, with joy, instilling proficiency into them, through activity and honing of their skills, thus helping them grow into a complete tree."

He and his schools strongly advocate the creation of an environment where joy of work and co-operation are the key motivating factors and where the role of adults, as teachers or as parents is to nurture the inherent values and qualities present in each child, rather than suppress them in the name of education or development.

Possessing an extremely progressive and fearless attitude, he is always ready to join hands with people sharing the same beliefs and is always enthusiastic to venture towards new horizons for the benefit of children-his primary stakeholders.