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Curriculum for Primary Level (Classes I)

At the primary stage, subject areas dealt with are English, Hindi (Second Language), Mathematics, Environmental Studies (EVS), Science, Social Studies, Computer Studies and Arts Education.

English has been treated as the first language and presented in a manner which takes into account multilingualism as a learning resource. Hindi is one of the Second Languages up to the elementary stage (I - VIII). The teaching-learning of languages would provide language as a tool to structure thought processes and to explore different realms of knowledge and imagination.

Mathematics focusses on reasoning and conceptual at every stage. The approach of this subject would facilitate hands on experiences and enable children to link Mathematics with day to day life experiences.

The Environmental Studies (EVS) curriculum (Classes I-II) is presented as an integrated curricular area following the thematic approach. The focus is on learning about the environment, through the environment and for the environment. In Classes III-V, Science and Social Studies have been identified as core areas. At the primary level, a multi-disciplinary approach of Science and Social Studies learning has been followed and the concepts and concerns have been addressed through various themes, identified from different discipline in these areas.

Computer Studies, another core area of this stage has been developed with the focus on use of technology in Education.

Last but not the least, the curriculum for Arts Education at the primary level has been developed as a core area and follows a theme-based approach. The learning of this subject would provide scope for creative expression, appreciation and working together.